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Society of St. Vincent de Paul


The purpose of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is to fulfill the two great commandments: the love of God and the love of neighbor.


The mission of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, and joy.


The mission and values of the Society are to:


• see Christ in anyone who suffers,

• come together as a family,

• have personal contact with the poor, and

• help in all possible ways.


In coming closer to the poor and those in need, we come closer to God.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul logo

The Charitable Activities of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in West Vancouver (the “SSVP group”)


Here is a summary of the SSVP group’s monthly activities:


1. Lunch at The Door is Open on the 1st Saturday of the month


We serve a hot lunch to approximately 200 guests at The Door is Open on the first Saturday of every month throughout the year.


“The Door is Open” is a day drop-in centre located at 255 Dunlevy Avenue in Vancouver’s downtown eastside, operated by the Archdiocese of Vancouver. The Door is Open is managed by Sister Chita Torres, a Carmelite sister.


2. Lunch at The Door is Open on the 3rd Saturday of the month 


We serve a hot lunch to approximately 200 guests at The Door is Open on the 3rd Saturday of every month throughout the year.


3. Weekday breakfasts at The Door is Open 


The SSVP group purchases scrambled eggs for Sister Chita’s weekday breakfasts served at The Door is Open every Monday and Tuesday of the month. We have been joining the Monday breakfasts, helping Sr. Chita and other volunteers of The Door is Open to prepare and serve a healthy breakfast to approximately 150 guests.


For more information on these events, please email Shane at


4. Monthly Mass at Inglewood Care Centre


We assist CtR volunteers at the monthly Mass at Inglewood Care Centre. Volunteers arrive before the Mass to set up the room in the Lounge, then assist the residents to get to the Mass and to return to their rooms afterwards. The Masses at Inglewood are usually held at 10:30 am on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.


5. Haircuts at the Men’s Shelter


Alexandre, a professional barber, holds two haircutting sessions a month at the Catholic Charities Men’s Shelter. At each session, he cuts the hair of between 15 and 25 guests of the Shelter. The SSVP group encourages and supports this initiative through a small stipend to Alexandre.

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