
Questions about life? Try Alpha.
Register for our next season of Alpha starting January 22, 2025.
What is Alpha?
Alpha is a basic introduction to the Christian faith – what C.S. Lewis called "mere Christianity." The parish runs Alpha a few times a year.
All guests are welcome for a great video and an open dialogue about life's big questions in a friendly, welcoming setting. It's no pressure, no cost, and you're more than welcome to just come check out the first few sessions to see if it's for you.​
What happens at Alpha?
When you attend Alpha, you'll be greeted by a friendly team of volunteers. You'll have the first few minutes of the session to chat with other participants and grab some food before we begin the Alpha video, which can run anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes. When the video finishes, you'll have time for discussion in small groups and wrap up at your leisure.
Can I bring a friend?
Of course! We'd love to have your friend join us for Alpha. Please have your friend register or register for them, as we have limited seats each Alpha.
I missed the first few weeks of Alpha. Can I join Alpha in the fourth week?
You are welcome to join in at any point that registration is still open (usually through the first couple weeks of Alpha) but may have a better experience doing Alpha from start to finish since the first few videos are foundational to the rest of the sessions. If you missed the first few sessions and would prefer to wait until the next Alpha to join, get in touch with us so we can connect you to the CTR community in the meantime!
I'd like to volunteer at Alpha. How can I get involved?
We'd love to have you on the Alpha volunteer team! The number of table hosts and other volunteers we require for Alpha depends on the number of participants we expect; please contact the parish office if you are interested in volunteering. We are also so grateful for your prayers for our team and participants, so know that if you aren't able to serve at this time we appreciate you uniting with us in prayer.
I have more questions! Who can I talk to?
If you have more questions about Alpha, please contact the parish office and they will be able to answer your questions or direct you to someone who can.
Ready to try Alpha?
Our next season of Alpha begins January 22, 2025. It will run Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:45 pm. Click below to sign up.