Flood Updates
Flood Update: February 2, 2024
We're thrilled to be back in the church for Mass this weekend!
Starting Saturday, February 3, daily Mass and Sunday Mass will be back in the church.
All areas of the church are now dry and have been tested, so we're safe to return to the church for Mass.
The church is under repair and will be for several weeks still; we are working with our insurance company on an exact timeline and plan for restoration.
The sprinkler system has been reactivated and it is completely safe to be back in the church, but you will notice areas that are closed off or covered with plastic. (Parents, please be mindful that your kids don't wander off as the plastic is at kid-height and might be tempting to play with!). There is no access to the altar server's sacristy, crying room, or confessionals as all are under repair.
The sound system and projector screens are out of use until the altar server's sacristy is restored. We have a temporary sound system, so please bear with us as we fine-tune the sound.
Other points to note:
There will be Sunday Coffee after the 9:00 am and 11:00 am Masses; we are now able to gather again in the Mallon Room.
Confessions will take place on Saturday from 9:30 am to 10:00 am and Sunday from 4:00 to 4:45 pm in the small room beside the sacristy in the foyer starting Saturday morning. Please line up in the foyer for confession on Saturday and Sunday. There will be signage to guide you.
The meeting rooms (Mallon and McCarthy) remain open for previously scheduled meetings and events.
Flood Update: January 25, 2024
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
We are so glad that so many of our parish family showed up for Mass last weekend. What a testament to the strength of our community! CTR is not just a church building but a family that comes together to get closer to Jesus and each other.
This weekend, Mass will be in the gym. We all want to get back into the church as soon as we can, but it is not yet possible for several reasons, primarily because the sprinkler system is not functioning properly. There are also several areas of the church still drying out from the flood.
We know that while we are in the gym, it can be tempting to go elsewhere for Mass. But this is our home and our community. Several parishioners noted that they were pleasantly surprised by how beautiful Mass in the gym could be and how great the music sounded even in this space. Let’s show unity by celebrating together even in trying circumstances.
During this time there is absolutely no access to the church. For your own safety and for liability reasons, no one other than restoration crews are permitted to enter the church until further notice. There is currently no Blessed Sacrament in the church.
The good news is that the pews are safe and the brand-new sound system is unharmed! It has been moved to a safe location until it can be reconnected in the church.
How can you help?
Pray! Please pray for materials, crews, and quick solutions to any setbacks we face as we work to restore the church.
Volunteer for gym setup and take down. Last weekend's setup took only 45 minutes with 6 volunteers helping. If the 5:00 pm Mass is your usual time, please consider staying for a few minutes to help put away some chairs.
A few reminders for Mass in the gym:
Please arrive a few minutes earlier than usual to get parked and seated. Getting seated in the gym seems to take a bit longer than finding a seat in the church.
Fill up the front pews and left side of the gym first. Once the gym fills up it becomes difficult to see any empty spots near the front. Fr. Paul will be happy to see your smiling faces closer to the front of the gym 😊
Drop-off in front of the gym should only be done for those with mobility issues. Because of the narrow road in front of the gym, drop offs hold up the flow of traffic and prevent cars from parking. Drop off should only be done here for those who absolutely require it.
Please keep an eye on ctrwestvan.ca/flood2024 for the latest updates on the flood restoration.
The CTR Parish Staff
Flood Update: January 22, 2024
As we wait for updates from restoration crews on when we can return to Mass in the church, weekday Mass will be at the usual times in the McCarthy Room. The meeting rooms are safe to use and all programs continue as usual unless otherwise noted here or in the Weekly Update.
Flood Update: January 17, 2024
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
As you know, on Monday we had a large flood in the church (see photos at the end of this email). We had been following our cold weather protocols including: extra heating, checking the church throughout the weekend, having the heating contractor in multiple times during the frigid weather, and contacting the sprinkler company. Despite our best efforts a sprinkler line froze and burst in the altar server's sacristy and flooded out into the church. Staff heard the sprinkler alarm and the flooding was addressed quickly by the fire department, but the damage had been done.
We were able to move almost everything of value to dry ground and to get the restoration company on site quickly. By Monday night the standing water had been extracted from the church. Machinery and equipment were put in place and remain in the church as part of the drying and restoration process.
We are currently waiting for an assessment and repair schedule. We will update you when we have more information.
All appropriate protocols and building codes have been and continue to be followed. During the repairs we will review new technology to see what can be improved to prevent future damage. Rest assured that we are covered by insurance.
At this time, because of the equipment in place, there is NO ACCESS TO THE CHURCH unless authorized by the parish office. The Blessed Sacrament has been removed from the tabernacle and has been brought to a safe and reverent location.
This Sunday, all Masses will take place in the gym at their usual times with our usual choirs: 9:00 am, 11:00 am, and 5:00 pm. We look forward to welcoming Fr. Bryan Duggan to the parish with our joyful CTR hospitality!
How can you help? We need volunteers to make this happen! We will be setting up chairs on Friday afternoon at 1:30 pm in preparation for Sunday and taking down chairs on Sunday at 6:15 pm in preparation for school on Monday. Please let us know if you are able to help.
The parish meeting rooms and washrooms are largely unaffected, so we are able to continue programs and meetings. If you are attending something in one of the meeting rooms, please enter through the automatic door to the left of the main church doors (the church steps and main doors are roped off and locked at this time).
Thank you for your support and prayers. Though it is difficult to see our spiritual home in this condition, we know the strength of our community and our trust in God will see us through. If the pandemic taught us anything, it is that church never stops! We are the body of Christ, and together we will continue to move forward, seeking Jesus in all that we do.
We know that all things work together for good  for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)
The CTR Staff
Week at a Glance (Wednesday, January 17 to Wednesday, January 24):
Wednesday (Jan. 17) – PREP | 4:15 – 5:30 pm | On Zoom
Wednesday (Jan. 17) – Alpha | 7:00 pm | POSTPONED to Jan. 24 (weather)
Thursday (Jan. 18) – Communion Service CANCELLED
Thursday (Jan. 18) – Get to Know the Catholic Faith (RCIA) | 7:00 pm | On Zoom
Friday (Jan. 19) – Men's Prayer Group CANCELLED (weather precaution)
Friday (Jan. 19) – Pivotal Players Video Series | 9:15 am | McCarthy Room (Keep an eye on this page for weather updates).
Saturday (Jan. 20) – Communion Service CANCELLED
Saturday (Jan. 20) – Get to Know the Catholic Faith (RCIA) | 9:45 am | McCarthy Room
Saturday (Jan. 20) – Water in the Desert CANCELLED
Sunday (Jan. 21) – Sunday Mass | 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 5:00 pm | School Gym
Sunday (Jan. 21) – Sunday Coffee | after 9:00 and 11:00 am Masses | McCarthy Room
Sunday (Jan. 21) – Youth Ministry Event | 3:30 – 5:00 pm | McCarthy Room
Sunday (Jan. 21) – Confessions | 4:00 – 4:45 pm | Waechter Atrium (outside gym)
Monday (Jan. 22) – Opus Dei CANCELLED
Tuesday (Jan. 23) – SAS Parent Alpha | 8:45 am | Room TBD
Wednesday (Jan. 24) – Lost & Found Coffeehouse Open | 9:45 am – 12:00 pm | Room TBD (McCarthy or Mallon)
Wednesday (Jan. 24) – PREP | 4:15 – 5:30 pm | St. Anthony's School
Wednesday (Jan. 24) – Alpha | 7:00 pm | McCarthy Room
To Be Confirmed:
Weekday Masses – announcement to come when Fr. Paul is back from vacation
Location of Sunday Masses for January 28 – we will send another update next week